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Monday, February 9, 2009

Morningstar Farms Chik Patties Original

I bought these one day while at a grocery store that doesn't carry my beloved Quorn "chicken" products. I knew it wouldn't be the same, but I thought trying something new might be good. Morningstar Farms has rarely ever disappointed me. Besides, the Chik Patties now have received the Chef's Best award... though I'm not quite sure what that means (and I wonder what other fake chicken patties they could have compared this to? Hmm).

Overall, this product was about what I was expecting. They do have a different sort of "chicken" flavor and texture than Quorn or Gardenburger; I'd say it resembles more of a dark meat chicken flavor -- only more, um, blah. The "meat" flavor and the breading reminded a bit of something like Banquet chicken nuggets.

The product does stay together better than a Quorn patty -- the breading doesn't just fall off -- so it does have that going for it. Oh, and it cooks at a lower oven temperature, so the oven preheats faster, thus you can eat it sooner (always a bonus in my book!). And, though it still may not be quite as good IMHO, it is nice to have a little variety once in a while.

Protein source: Soy, wheat
Allergens: Soy, wheat, milk, egg
100% vegetarian

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