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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Boca Original Chik'n Patties

So, this is the third brand of breaded chicken-style patty I've tried thus far. To be perfectly honest, I didn't expect much from it. I found Boca burgers to be very bland and boring, and figured this would be, too. However, I was quite pleasantly surprised.

Actually, the breading on the patty was on the bland side, but for me, the flavor and texture of the "chicken" made up for it. It had a nice, chickeny bite to it, and was actually juicy. I am glad I purchased these instead of the MSF chik'n patties I almost bought tonight; if the breading had a bit more seasoning to it, I think these could actually give Quorn chik'n a run for its money. And for me, that's saying a lot. In fact, because the breading stays on better than with Quorn patties, these might be a better choice for using in a dish that requires sliced chik'n -- salad, tacos, quesadillas, stir fry... Hmm, I'm gonna have to buy some more...

Protein source: Soy, wheat
Allergens: Soy, wheat

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