Hi, I'm jazzhands, and welcome to vegetablog. Here you will find reviews of vegetarian and vegan foods, a recipe or two, and maybe some occasional on- or off-topic discussion about other things I hope my readers might find interesting or useful. All posts are tagged for easier browsing. Please feel free to comment on any post (even the old ones) and/or take a poll. Thanks for visiting! :)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Personalizing my blog... a work in progress

Hi, everyone. I've been lazy about updating lately, but I wanted to do something for my blog, so I designed the new picture for the banner at the top. Hope you like it! But if not, too bad! I plan to keep it for a while. However, I may decide to mess around with some other layout stuff, so don't freak out if it all looks completely different next time. :)
