Hi, I'm jazzhands, and welcome to vegetablog. Here you will find reviews of vegetarian and vegan foods, a recipe or two, and maybe some occasional on- or off-topic discussion about other things I hope my readers might find interesting or useful. All posts are tagged for easier browsing. Please feel free to comment on any post (even the old ones) and/or take a poll. Thanks for visiting! :)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thai Kitchen Instant Rice Noodle Soup

Thai Kitchen Instant Rice Noodle Soup, available in two vegetarian and two vegan flavors (the Lemongrass and Chili flavor contains shrimp), is a delicious, flavorful ramen-like noodle soup. The rice noodles, if you haven't had them before, are softer and more absorbent than ramen noodles. Because these soups cook in only 1 cup of liquid instead of 2 like most ramen, the noodles will absorb most of the liquid in the bowl within minutes after you cook it. I actually really like that about this soup. And the little bit of liquid that is usually left in the bowl is really yummy for dipping a toasted sandwich into. :)

The packages contain a block of rice noodles, a packet of powdered seasoning and a packet of flavor oil. It cooks up really fast -- sometimes too fast. The packets can be tricky to open unless you have scissors handy (especially the oil packet, which can get messy if you don't tear it open just right), which means the noodles might be cooked before you can get the seasoning and oil in -- which means the noodles absorb less flavor.

I have tried three of the vegetarian flavors -- Spring Onion, Garlic and Vegetable, and Bangkok Curry -- and all of them are great. Thai Ginger is also vegetarian. The price is higher than some other instant noodle soups (especially since the portion size is smaller), but I think it's worth it. You'll find it in the ethnic/Asian foods section of the grocery store, probably between $.80 to $1.20 per package.

Thai Kitchen offers lots of other food products, many of them vegetarian or vegan. This page is a good reference for figuring out what contains what.

Allergens: See package or website
Veg*n: See package or website

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