Hi, I'm jazzhands, and welcome to vegetablog. Here you will find reviews of vegetarian and vegan foods, a recipe or two, and maybe some occasional on- or off-topic discussion about other things I hope my readers might find interesting or useful. All posts are tagged for easier browsing. Please feel free to comment on any post (even the old ones) and/or take a poll. Thanks for visiting! :)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Seitan Quick Mix

Last Thursday I cooked seitan (a meat substitute made from wheat gluten) for the first time.
I used "Seitan Quick Mix" from Harvest Direct. The process was pretty easy, but I can't say whether or not it turned out right since I have no previous experience with seitan! I know it didn't look anything like the burger on the package...

I made the dough according to the directions, formed it into a sort-of log shape, and simmered it for an hour in a vegetarian beef-flavor broth. After an hour, I cut into it and it still looked doughy in the middle. So I cut it into four segments and simmered it for another 15 minutes.

I ate one of the segments with a big helping of mashed potatoes. Not surprisingly, it tasted like... wheat! The texture was quite firm, dense, and meat-like, though. I was hoping it would have absorbed more of the flavor of the broth, since it smelled so good as it was cooking. Maybe next time I'll try using broth to make the dough instead of water...

I stored the leftovers in broth in the fridge as directed on the package. The next evening I decided to cut up another portion and cook it in a stir-fry with some veggies I had on hand - carrots, peas, corn, green beans, bell peppers, celery, and onions. I cut up the seitan into small strips, and it seemed to absorb some of the flavor of the veggies as it cooked. I ate it with some white rice, and it was delicious!

I don't know what the white stuff is in the photo. It appeared in the broth after being refrigerated for a day. Something congealed, I guess...?

Protein source: Wheat
Allergens: Wheat

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