Hi, I'm jazzhands, and welcome to vegetablog. Here you will find reviews of vegetarian and vegan foods, a recipe or two, and maybe some occasional on- or off-topic discussion about other things I hope my readers might find interesting or useful. All posts are tagged for easier browsing. Please feel free to comment on any post (even the old ones) and/or take a poll. Thanks for visiting! :)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Trader Joe's adventure

I enjoy shopping at Trader Joe's -- there's such an interesting selection of natural, organic, and vegetarian/vegan foods that you can't find elsewhere, and always so many new things I want to try. Unfortunately though, the nearest store is about a half hour from where I live, so I don't get to go there too often. I really wish they'd build a Trader Joe's or Whole Foods in my town instead of a third Wal*Mart (and I really wish I was joking about that third Wal*Mart).

I happened to be in the next city yesterday and needed to pick up a few groceries, so I decided to drive a few extra miles out and hit the TJ's. My approach to grocery shopping depends on my mood and need. Sometimes I'll walk into a store with a list in hand and try to be out ASAP; other times, like yesterday, I'll wander aimlessly, slowly surveying the shelves, waiting for interesting new things to jump out at me. I had a few vague ideas about what I wanted to find: some fake meat staples, some healthy snacks, actual fresh fruit or veg, a new milk alternative to try, and whatever else struck my fancy. I walked out of the store with a lot more than I'd planned, yet had to leave a lot of things on the shelves that were really calling to me.

Some of the things I picked up:
* TJ's Vanilla flavored coconut milk beverage
* TJ's Meatless Meatballs
* TJ's Chickenless Crispy Tenders (which appear to be Gardein in disguise)
* TJ's Contemplates Inner Peas (a "Snapea Crisps"-like crunchy pea snack)
* TJ's organic vegetarian chili
* TJ's Short Stack Syrup (a butter-pecan flavored pancake syrup without high fructose corn syrup)
* TJ's organic sprouted tofu twin pack
* Some red pears and yellow potatoes

I've already had a chance to try a couple of these, and will write up the reviews in separate posts. The rest I'll try to comment on as I get around to them.


Chuey said...

...Stumbled upon your blog. Very entertaining! How was the syrup? Any good?

jazzhands said...

Thanks, Chuey! I haven't had a chance to try the syrup on pancakes or waffles yet, but I was so excited about it when I brought it home that I had to have a little taste on a spoon. It's not quite like the IHOP butter pecan syrup, but it is sweet and tasty. I like that it doesn't have high fructose corn syrup, but it's probably not vegan. I'll write up more when I actually get the chance to try it on pancakes. :)