Hi, I'm jazzhands, and welcome to vegetablog. Here you will find reviews of vegetarian and vegan foods, a recipe or two, and maybe some occasional on- or off-topic discussion about other things I hope my readers might find interesting or useful. All posts are tagged for easier browsing. Please feel free to comment on any post (even the old ones) and/or take a poll. Thanks for visiting! :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

My two-month milestone

I just realized I've been a vegetarian for two months now. Some of the things I initially found challenging are getting a little easier. I don't really miss meat, exactly, but I do sometimes miss meat-based products. For instance, I've been feeling a little under the weather for the past week, and have found myself craving a nice steaming bowl of chicken soup. But, to my knowledge, there aren't really any vegetarian chicken soup substitutes. Things like that get to me sometimes.

For the most part, I really enjoy most of the meatless food I've been eating, though I find myself getting a little bored of eating the same things sometimes. And sometimes, being the lazy and convenience-loving person I often am, the extra effort I have to put into making myself interesting vegetarian meals feels like too much bother. Especially since my boyfriend is an omnivore (and a picky one at that) -- I used to cook dinner for both of us occasionally, but that doesn't happen anymore. Even dining out takes a little extra planning because there are fewer options where both of us will eat.

They say vegetarianism is supposed to be not only better for your health, but also better for the planet... plus, the cost of producing meat (in terms of money, resources, land, etc.) is, pound for pound, much higher than producing plant-based food. So the idea that the diets of the vast majority of people in the Western world are meat-centered just boggles my mind. I guess it's easier for a lot of people. It's how they were raised. It's more convenient. Meat tastes good. Meat is everywhere. Vegetarianism is for hippies, health freaks, and animal rights activists. Excuses, excuses. I was full of them, too. I'm not sure what finally pushed me one day to give up meat completely. I had wanted to for a long time, but something inside me just felt like giving up meat would feel like some kind of self-punishment, like I would be depriving myself of something that everyone else enjoyed... not to mention just generally making life more difficult and complicated for myself. Sometimes I do still feel that way. Life is a little more difficult and complicated now. But I'm choosing to see the challenge more as an adventure than a punishment. I'm trying all kinds of new foods now that I wouldn't have felt motivated to try before.

I don't expect my blog to change anyone's life or convert anyone to vegetarianism. I'm not even convinced yet that anyone will ever read it... but if somehow, somewhere one person tries a vegetarian food for the first time because of this blog, well... w00t!


hatefulerin said...

Three or four words for you: Amy's No-Chicken Noodle. That's the soup for sick people. I have other things, but you probably won't see a comment on a post this old, so I'll just tell you tomorrow.

jazzhands said...

Thanks for the recommendation. :)

And hey, feel free to comment on any post you want -- I'm sure I'll find it.

Yay! Another reader!