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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Archer Farms Organic Soymilk, Vanilla flavor

Archer Farms is a Target-exclusive food brand. I found this soy milk in the refrigerated section of my local Target's grocery department and decided to give it a try.

It has a pleasant flavor, slightly sweet and vanilla-y on top of the usual soy flavor. The beige color may be off-putting to some people who expect their milk (or milk substitute) to be white. The texture is very thick and creamy, and feels a little sticky in your mouth. I guess if you're used to drinking whole milk or whipping cream or something, that might be okay. But I'm used to fat-free milk, so it's a little strange. Also, you don't want to shake the carton too much before you pour yourself a glass, or else it gets really frothy. Unless you enjoy that sort of thing.

As with many milk alternatives, this product has lots of extra vitamins and minerals added, has 6g of protein per serving, and is completely dairy-free.

It's good in coffee. And lately I've been enjoying having a glass with a late night snack. But I couldn't see myself wanting to pour it on my morning cereal -- it's just not the right taste and texture. If you're looking for a milk substitute to go in a dessert recipe (especially if the recipe calls for whole milk or half-and-half), this would probably be a good choice. It is also available in a Plain flavor.

Allergens: Soy

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